Closed Colleges Information
If your school closed while you were enrolled, on an approved leave of absence, or within 120 days after you officially withdrew, your student loan(s) may be eligible for cancellation/discharge.
Listings of closed Illinois schools are available on the Illinois Board of Higher Education’s (IBHE) website.
Degree Granting Schools
Private Business & Vocational Schools
In order to determine whether you are eligible for loan discharge, you must submit the Loan Discharge Application: School Closure, which can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) website or from your lender/servicer. The application must be accompanied by documentation to prove that you were in attendance within 90 days before the school’s closure.
Acceptable documentation could include, but is not limited to, any of the following: transcript from the school; attendance records; report card or grade report; dated course work; or other documentation that would establish attendance at the school within the prescribed time period.
Students affected by the closing of for-profit institutions can access the website to obtain free academic and financial counseling. Students will enter their information and ask to be contacted by telephone, e-mail or text. Responses are expected to take 7 – 10 business days, but some may be quicker.
Transcripts for students who were enrolled at Illinois schools that closed can be obtained by contacting the Illinois Board of Higher Education. Instructions for obtaining transcripts differ depending on the type of school; click on the appropriate link for the type of school you attended and follow the instructions provided.
Degree Granting Schools
Private Business & Vocational Schools