Support and Training
Listed below are several options we offer to support schools, including: learning about the Illinois Postsecondary and Career Expectations (PaCE) Framework; developing their own PaCE-aligned framework; and, accessing resources for successful implementation.
All offerings below are available in-person and virtually. We will do our best to accommodate requests for in-person presentations based on location and availability of staff. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].
PaCE Consultation
Unsure of what your team needs to get started with a PaCE Framework? Request a short consultation with the Professional Development staff to ask questions, learn how to get started, and prioritize your team's next steps.
Implementation Support
These sessions take a school/district team through the implementation of a PaCE Framework. During this series of three one-hour meetings, an ISAC staff member will meet with the implementation team to go over the three steps of the implementation process, along with guiding them through the completion of the implementation worksheets and helping to answer any questions they may have. Upon completion of the implementation support, the implementation team will be equipped to implement their PaCE Framework. Only the initial meeting date needs to be included on the request form. The second and third meeting dates can be determined upon completion of the first meeting.