JB Pritzker, Governor, State of Illinois

ISAC is pleased to recognize the following public and private high schools for excellence in supporting their Class of 2024 students through the financial aid process. Four levels of recognition have been defined and were used to determine the awards for the Class of 2024 (2024-25 financial aid application completions). Each of the 408 public and private recognized high schools will receive an award banner to display at their school, along with the level of recognition for the class.


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*FAFSA/Alternative Application completion rates were calculated based on high school class rosters that were provided to ISAC in one of two ways:

  1. Illinois State Board of Education school roster
  2. Roster uploaded by a high school to the Financial Aid Application Completion Initiative platform in GAP Access

The average Financial Aid application completion rate for Illinois Public School seniors based on ISBE data was 67% for the senior class of 2024.